Alice and Murder Dog

In a twisted version of Wonderland, Alice had been captured by a creature named Murder Dog, a vile figure who ruled the dark underbelly of this once whimsical world. His face was hidden beneath a grotesque mask, resembling a mangled dog’s snarl, and his eyes gleamed with malice. He kept Alice in chains deep within a damp, stinking dungeon, far beneath the surface of Wonderland’s forgotten corners. The bright, magical land she once knew was now a decaying nightmare, twisted by evil.

For weeks, Alice endured his torment. The chains dug into her wrists and ankles, bruising her skin, while the dungeon echoed with her cries. She had been a prisoner, treated not as the curious girl who had wandered into Wonderland but as an object, a plaything for Murder Dog’s sick pleasure.

October 2024

But Alice never stopped thinking of escape. Beneath her suffering, a fire burned—small at first, but it grew every day. She remembered the bravery she once showed when facing the Queen of Hearts, the cleverness she used to outwit the Mad Hatter, and the resilience she found in herself when navigating Wonderland’s most bizarre dangers.

One night, when the air was still and Murder Dog had left her in the cold darkness, Alice found her opportunity. She had been studying her chains for days, slowly working the rusted links with what little strength she had left. With a final pull, the weakest link snapped. The sound was a quiet, metallic click, but to Alice, it was the sound of freedom.

She moved quickly, her body aching from weeks of captivity, but her spirit driven by desperation. She found a shard of broken glass on the dungeon floor—likely a remnant of some poor soul who came before her. She waited, clutching the shard tightly, until Murder Dog returned.

When he entered, expecting the sight of his captive, Alice sprang from the shadows, her eyes wild and unbroken. She drove the glass into his throat with all the force she could muster. Murder Dog staggered back, blood gurgling from his neck, his mask cracking as he fell to the floor, lifeless.

Alice stood over his body, panting, her hands shaking but victorious. She was free. The dungeon, the chains, the torment—it was over.

With Murder Dog dead, Alice fled the dungeon, disappearing into the shadows of the night. But Wonderland would never be the same, and neither would she. The horrors she had endured changed her forever, turning her into something stronger, darker—no longer the innocent girl who had once tumbled down the rabbit hole.

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