The Redbeard’s Curse

Long before he became the infamous Mr. Clown of Thundarr City, he was known by another name—Redbeard. He was not yet the masked billionaire crime lord, but a wealthy and enigmatic nobleman who lived in a grand estate at the edge of Thundarr Forest. With his flaming red beard and piercing gaze, he was both feared and admired.

Redbeard was known for his insatiable hunger for control, especially over women. He married many times, but each of his wives vanished without a trace. Despite the ominous rumors, young women were still drawn to his wealth and charisma.

One day, Redbeard set his eyes on a beautiful woman named Liora Vernet, a free-spirited artist who had fallen on hard times. Seeing an opportunity to escape poverty, she accepted his proposal and moved into his vast estate.

The Forbidden Room

Redbeard showered Liora with jewels and fine dresses, yet there was an eerie stillness in the manor. The servants avoided eye contact, and shadows seemed to whisper down the empty corridors.

One evening, Redbeard handed Liora a set of keys, his red beard almost gleaming under the candlelight.

“You may go anywhere you wish,” he said, “except for one room. That door must never be opened.”

Liora feigned obedience but was consumed by curiosity. One night, while Redbeard was away on business, she wandered the manor, the forbidden key trembling in her fingers.

When she unlocked the hidden door, her breath caught in horror. The room was a tomb. The bodies of Redbeard’s previous wives lay in the darkness, their eyes forever frozen in terror. The walls were painted in dried blood, and the floor was littered with remnants of their final moments.

In her panic, Liora dropped the key, and as she picked it up, she noticed—it was now stained with blood. No matter how much she wiped, the stain wouldn’t fade.

The Escape and the Birth of a Monster

Redbeard returned the next morning. He noticed the key and his expression darkened.

“You disobeyed me,” he murmured. “Now, you must join them.”

But Liora was not as helpless as the others. She had secretly sent a message to Roward Rog, her lover and a respected warrior. Roward had long been suspicious of Redbeard and had been waiting for proof of his crimes.

As Redbeard lunged at Liora with his dagger, Roward burst into the room with a sword in hand.

The battle was fierce. Though Redbeard was strong, Roward was a seasoned fighter. Slashed across the face, Redbeard fled into the night, vanishing into Thundarr Forest.

The man known as Redbeard was never seen again. But in the underworld of Thundarr City, a new figure emerged—a masked, grinning menace with white face paint and a terrifying laugh.

The legend of Bluebeard had ended. The reign of Mr. Clown had begun.

And Liora, forever haunted by her brush with death, went on to marry Roward. She bore two daughters, Rita and Angel Faros, never speaking of the monster she had once almost belonged to.

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